
When you are finished your poem.

व्हेन यू१. एक्स्प्लें एकाच लितेरारी डिवाइस यू उसेद इन यूर पोएम (यू शौल्ड हवे ५ दिफ्फेरेंत एक्साम्प्लेस).

అ. వాట్ ఇస్ ది లితెరర్య్ డేవిస్?

బ. వాట్ ఇస్ ది ఎక్షమ్ప్లె ఫ్రొం యువర్ పోఎం?

చ. వై దిద యు ఉస్ ఇట్ (క్రేఅతే మూడ్? క్రేఅతే తోనే? క్రేఅతే ర్హ్య్తం? క్రేఅతే మేఅనింగ్?)ఉస్ ౩-౫ సేన్తెన్సుస్ తో ఎక్ష్ప్లైన్ ది ఎక్షమ్ప్లె.

simile-"As the goddess of the base edge"

The Aurora is the picture most want to describe.Also,my peom said "The blessings of the goddess".It is also describe the aurora.I used simile to describe what it look like.

Imagery-"music box"

I think everyone's life like a song.When the music finished,the people will die.The music box can make a beautiful song.

personification-"The sweep of the horizon."

A light cannot sweep like a person.I used personification to creat the light is like a person who give the land blessings.It can create a feeling that the goddess is coming.

repetition-"The blessings of the goddess,Across the horizon "

I want to readers konw the thesis about the poem.I created a strong emotion by the repetition.It give readers a strong feeling that goddess guard the land.

Alliteraion-"The future will always flow out"

It is the end of my poem.It is represent the goddess guard the land,the people here will have a good life in the future.The country will continue develop and better and better.Every one here will very share the happness and peace.

2. Using 12-15 sentences, explain the insightful and mature meaning of your poem.THINK DEEP AND THINK DEEPER!

The peom is I am full of the blessing of a deep piece of land.When I look at the picture,I see the light,that make me think about many fairy tale.It looks like a goddess's benediction in my mind.The land is very peace I konw.It also printe the atmosphere.It create a little the myth of color.Altough it describe about the night,readers can also feel the bright it is.The will not afraid of dark night.It is clear to see that this poem seems very quiet.As goddess of the general, of this piece of land softly on the blessing of mankind shed.In the climax,I used the repetition to create it.

3. What is your poem about?

4. How do you represent the Canadian landscape in your poem? Use 3-5 sentences.

5. Imagine you are an explorer and sent this poem to your King or Queen, how would they feel about the Canadian landscape?


Create Your Own Landscape Poem Project

Create Your Own Landscape Poem Project

You are going to create your own landscape poem. Think of all the things you have learned about poetry including language, shape and rhythm.1. Choose an image of the Canadian landscape.
You need to know where the picture is taken
just like the one about Georgian Bay.2. With your image, you need to have a poem with a title.Your poem needs 16-25 lines with at least 5 different examples of literary devices.You must put your literary devices in a different colour so I know you know when you used them.3. Post it on your blog in a nice and presentable manner.You will be marked on:
The MOST IMPORTANT PART --- Quality and Maturity of your poem
Is it creative, original, thoughtful and insightful?
Does it relate to the picture? Do you connect to your picture?
Do you have at least 5 different examples of literary devices?
Does it follow the instructions? Do you complete it? Do you have a title?
Is it presented in a clear and creative way on your blog?
Do you have a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes?
Is your language poetic?
Use your own words to make creative poetry. Don't copy from the Internet and put it as your own words. I want to know about your ideas!

The blessings of the goddess

Night sky,

Such as glass-like,

Pure and transparent.


As the goddess of the base edge,

The sweep of the horizon.

Broad and rich,

Nurture life on land.

The blessings of the goddess,

Across the horizon

The people here bring unlimited good.

The blessings of the goddess,

Across the horizon,

Blessing of peace that the people here.

Slowly as the music box-like,

The future will always flow out.


An Alliance with the Huron Empire

An Alliance with the Huron Empire
Please answer each question carefully. There are 8 questions in total.The Hurons were a group of First Nations people who were in an alliance with Champlain. They were closely related to the Iroquois, but had become their enemies.
1. What is an alliance? What does this word mean?
Great traders themselves, the Hurons navigated the rivers of Central Canada and were very prosperous. They would become the leading source of furs for the French.
Alliance is the act of allying or state of being allied; union; confederation
2. Why would Champlain want to form an alliance with the Hurons?
This alliance dated from about 1603; if the French wanted furs, they had to support the Native Americans who supplied the furs, or at least controlled access to them.Thus they were compelled to support the Hurons and Algonquins against their enemies
3. This is a picture of Champlain and his Huron allies on the left fighting the Iroquois. This is one of the earliest images of Europeans and First Nations people interacting.
a. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences. Look carefully at the picture.
There are 2 parts of people. The two parts people were at war.They use bow and arrow. The place is near the sea and the forest.
b. Do you think this is a realistic image of the situation? Explain why or why not in 5-8 sentences.

Yes.I think this is a realistic image of the situation.
4. The Hurons had many economic advantages because of their geographic location and territory. They were located on the southern shore of Georgian Bay, where the fishing was excellent.
a. Find a map of Georgian Bay. Explain where this bay is.

Georgian Bay (French: Abie Georgeanne) is a large bay of Lake Huron, located in Ontario, Canada. The main body of the bay lies east of the Bruce Peninsula and south of Manitoulin Island.
b. Translate the word bay.

a wide semicircular indentation of a shoreline, esp between two headlands or peninsulas.
5 . Find a photograph of Georgian Bay that you like. Explain why you like it in 3-5 sentences.The vegetation of this region includes mixed forests, meadows, and fields. The sandy soil was perfect for planting corn, squash, pumpkins, and beans.


I like the picture because the sea is very beautiful. It likes a picture.The color make me feel the sea is very fashion.The stone very distinct edges and corners.There is some green forest near the sea.The sky is very blue.There are some cloud fly in the sky.
6. Take a look at this piece of Canadian Art called "Stormy Weather". The artist is Frederick Valley. He illustrated the stormy weather of Georgian Bay.a. How do you feel when you see this painting? Explain in 5-8 sentences. Tell me why you feel that way.

I feel the weather not very good.There only have one tree stand in the rock.The sea is not blue and freash.It became a dirty yellow.The have many ripples in the sea's surface.
7. This is a poem by A.J.M Smith. It was put together with this image on a past provincial exam.a. When you read this poem, how do you feel about the ? Canadian landscape Explain in 10-12 sentences. Think deep and be creative.
The Lonely Land
A.J.M. Smith
Cedar and jagged fir
uplift sharp barbs
against the gray
and cloud-piled sky;
and in the bay
blown spume and windrift
and thin, bitter spray
at the whirling sky;
and the pine trees
lean one way.
A wild duck calls
to her mate,
and ragged
and passionate tones
stagger and fall,
and recover,
and stagger and fall,
on these stones -
are lost
in the lapping of water
on smooth, flat stones.
This is a beauty
of dissonance,
this resonance
of stony strand,
this smoky cry
curled over a black pine
like a broken
and wind-battered branch
when the wind
bends the tops of the pine
like a broken
and wind-battered branch
when the wind
bends the tops of the pines
and curdles the sky
from the north.
This is the beauty
of strength
broken by strength
and still strong
In his poem "The Lonely Land," A.J.M. Smith paints a picture of a landscape filled with both beauty and conflict. Repetition in the second verse is used in conjunction with personification to drive home the reader the feeling of loneliness and abandonment. He effectively uses imagery and language to suggest that beauty can be derived from conflict.Smith immediately begins his painting with a sense of conflict: He paints a "grey and cloud-piled sky" and fills the soft image with cedar and "jagged fir," a much more bold and harsh image. In the third stanza, whilst the reader is at odds with him or herself, the speaker brings in a sense of hope and optimism.
8. What did you learn in this lesson? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
I learned what is an alliance? An alliance in Canada that Champlain went to become an alliance with the Hurons.I look for many picture about Georgian Bay .It is very beautiful that makes me want to have a look.At last,we read the poem.The poem is very sad and longly.


St. Lawrence River

1. Find a map of the St. Lawrence River. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 setnences.
I can see 4 lakes in the map.Lake Ontario receives its water from the four other Great Lakes as well as from drainage from its local watershed, and it discharges water into the St.awrence River.Canada and the United States built the St.awrence River Hydropower Project, including a dam stretching across the St.awrence River from Massena, New York, to Cornwall, Ontario.

2. Find a photograph of the St. Lawrence River you like. Explain what you see in the picture in 3-5 sentences.
We can see the rising cun in the picture.The St.Lawrence River is behaind the three.I cannot see it clearly because the sun haven't rising already taht there haven't got enough light.Vague,I can see the river have been very curved.
3. Why did Champlain choose to use a river for transportation? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
Because he can be large volume, low shipping!The main use of water of rivers, lakes and oceans "natural channel" to carry out. Water channel extending in all directions, transport capacity is almost unlimited, and investment.
4. Find a picture of Champlain's habitation at Quebec. Explain what you see in 5-8 sentences.http://www.uppercanadahistory.ca/finna/que2p31.jpg
It is a very very big house I think.It consisted of three clustered buildings.Around the the buildings there was a continuous wall above the ground floor forming an exterior gallery for defence. Outside the wall was a moat with drawbridge and a raised platform for cannon. Beyond that was an exterior palisade outside of which were the gardens.
5. The fort was a natural fort because Quebec had towering cliffs.
a.Find a picture of towering cliffs in Quebec. Search in Google using "quebec and towering cliffs".
b. Why are the cliffs a natural fort? Explain in 3-5 sentences.
Because O'Brien's Tower stands proudly on a headland of the majestic Cliffs. From the Cliffs one can see the Aran Islands, Galway Bay, as well as The Twelve Pins, the Maum Turk Mountains in Connemara and Loop Head to the South.
6. What did you learn today? Explain in 5-8 sentences.
I learned something about St. Lawrence River.I know transportation in river can be large volume, low shipping!It is a good way to save more money to do other things.I saw a picture of Champlain's habitation at Quebec.The bidg house is very beautiful.If I can leave there I will be very happy.At last,I learned the cliffs a natural fort.I do not understand it very much.Maybe it is very useful at that time.

Bonus1. There is a moat around Champlain's habitation. Why is that important?2. Can you find a picture of a moat? Post it.
Because it can save the country.If some other country want to fight with this country,they need to pass the river first.