In ancient times, the chinese viewed the heaven as 'rounded' while the earth as "square". This was known as "Tian Yuan Di Fang 天圆地方" and influenced various aspect of chinese culture. For instance, depiction of heaven is always 'rounded', while depiction of land is always square. This was especially seen in traditional chinese architecture.We can se the mountains,trees in the flat.The sky is round.

we can see is the picture clearly,it not a foggy day. The ship run in a high cliff.There have got many clouds fill in the sky,we almost cannot see the moon.It only have a little moonlight.It looks very mystery. we can see the horizon.the moonlight is reflection.It says in the end of the flat earth it is a waterfull.
2. Imagine you are a person who believes the earth is still flat today. What are 5 reasons to support your argument that it is still flat?
<1>If it is a sphere, the surface of a large body of water must be curved. The Johnsons have checked the surfaces of Lake Tahoe and the Salton Sea (a shallow salt lake in southern California near the Mexican border) without detecting any curvature."
<2>"there are rivers that flow for hundreds of miles towards the level of the sea without falling more than a few feet — notably, the Nile, which, in a thousand miles, falls but a foot. A level expanse of this extent is quite incompatible with the idea of the Earth's 'convexity'"; and that an aeronaut at the highest possible altitude will see what appears to be a concave surface "this being exactly what is to be expected of a surface that is truly level, since it is the nature of level surfaces to appear to rise to a level with the eye of the observer".
3. Do you think human beings have a false concept of the earth and the universe today?
Yes.Because human haven't got enough power to discovered more about space clearly.They only look space with equipment. We don't konow is the equipment reflect the fact,Is there any error?
You need to finish your last question to complete your homework!
Don't just translate or copy into your blog. Use your own ideas!
回复删除You need to use more of your own words to explain the reasons for the earth being flat. Don't be afraid to use your own words. You really can do this.