John Cabot is a man with a hat and a head. In the picture we can see he is very old,he will be dead. His hair changed into white. He has a not very big and small eyes,it very fit. He has a long nouse. I cannot see his mouth clearly,because he has a long beard.
It is a corn. It can be used in Canada.There is a picture in corn's back. Maybe it is John~He wear his different hat. I can see his currly hair~Beautiful~~~ I have no idea kown what he did in the picture. Maybe he is looking for his lover...
Who is John Cabot? Tell me ten facts (real information) about him.
(Copy from internet)
He was born around 1455 in Gaeta, near Naples, and was the son of a merchant.
His name is also associated with Genoa, and he may have spent some time there as a boy. But by 1461 Cabot was living in Venice, where he became a citizen. In about 1482 he married a Venetian woman, Mattea, and they had three sons: Ludovico, Sebastiano and Sancio.
A detail from "The departure of John and Sebastian Cabot from Bristol on their first voyage of discovery, 1497." Oil on canvas by Ernest Board, 1906. From J.R. Smallwood, ed., The Book of Newfoundland, Vol 1. (St. John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, 1937) 1. (65 kb)
The Portuguese pioneered their route to Asia by sailing down the African coast and around the Cape of Good Hope. And once Columbus had returned in triumph from his first transatlantic voyage in 1493 - he reached the Caribbean, but thought it was part of Asia - the Spanish likewise thought they had found their route to the east.
As a result, Cabot turned in 1494 or 1495 to England - to the merchants of the port of Bristol, where he settled with his family, and to the king, Henry VII. His scheme was to reach Asia by sailing west across the north Atlantic. He estimated that this would be shorter and quicker than Columbus' southerly route. Cabot was trying to go one better.
In England, Cabot received the backing he had been refused in Spain and Portugal. First, the merchants of Bristol agreed to support his scheme. They had sponsored probes into the north Atlantic from the early 1480s, looking for possible trading opportunities. Some historians think that Bristol mariners might even have reached Newfoundland and Labrador even before Cabot arrived on the scene.
whatsoever islands, countries, regions or provinces of heathens and infidels, in whatsoever part of the world placed, which before this time were unknown to all Christians. Whatever Cabot did was in the name of the English Crown.
Cabot made his first try in 1496. It was a failure. All we know about the voyage is contained in a 1497 letter from John Day, an English merchant in the Spanish trade, to Christopher Columbus. It states that "he [Cabot] went with one ship, he had a disagreement with the crew, he was short of food and ran into bad weather, and he decided to turn back." The following year, Cabot had better luck.
Why is he important to Canadian history?
John Cabot explored North America for England in 1497 he sailed to what is now eastern Canada. There is some controversy as to where he landed. He disappeared at sea in 1498
Why did he leave Europe?
because they (england ) would not finance his exploring voyages. So he went to the dutch and they did and hence New Amsterdam was originally Dutch.
What happened to John Cabot?
He dispeared...
When John Cabot reached Newfoundland's Grand Banks, he was surprised to find the large supply of cod.
Watch this video clip.
Watch this clip. What did you learn from the video clip? Write 5-8 sentences.
I think it is the last voyage that John Cabot did.He went to there again,but he didn't caom back. The King ordered anothere person to go and discovered more. Another person discovered some new person in the island. They bring the new person back.They are more intrested in the fish. The filled with the sea that they cannot working she ship. They get the fish back.
i like your blog......
You need to use your own words in your answer. You can't just copy from the internet and put it in your blog. You don't learn anything if you just copy. Please try to use your own words. Next time, your mark will be lower if you copy 100%. Please use your own English words to explain!