Exploration is important for countries
Thesis Statement:Exploration is important for countries,Because they can improve the international.They have benefited people all over the world.People in our country will not have to worry about resources.
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence:Exploration can improve the international.
Body: Oil is the blood of economic development, social stability and are a prerequisite for national security. Shortage of oil in China's economic development not only affects the health of the rise of international anti-China forces also provided an excuse to curb our country and conditions; competition in the oil so that our country's changing geopolitical security, thus affecting the peaceful rise of China's international environment and surrounding environment.Improve the country's economic level, the International status will be a corresponding increase.
Concluding Sentence: Thus,exploration can improve the international.
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence:Exploration have benefited people all over the world
Body: There are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of space programs, and they have benefited people all over the world. And what's more, scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by mankind.
Concluding Sentence: Therefore,exploration have benefited people all over the world .
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence:People in our country will not have to worry about resources.
Body: A lot of people are troubled by the financial crisis.They haven't got a good life like before.China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec) told Xinhua on Wednesday that the nation's second largest oil field's proven oil reserve was 11.79 percent higher than previously thought to the exploration efforts made by the oil field. It means our country get more resources, China's economy can grow.People's lives will not be disrupted.There is not much troubled for people in our country.
Concluding Sentence: Thus,people in our country will not have to worry about resources.
Restatement of Thesis:On balance,exploration is important for countries,Because they can improve the international.They have benefited people all over the world.People in our country will not have to worry about resources.
About the exam...

Scientists to explore Mars, the discovery of the country so that they can from the international status has improved. If the success of human beings can survive on Mars, they can be occupied country more land.Nation as a whole, they will be more advanced science and technology.

The Fur Trade

This is a map made of a animal's fur.It has a long history. The map is about the old castle. It means the fur trade beginning very early.As the same time,I known the job who trade the fur is very merciless. http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/42/91842-004-B8446CF7.jpg

This picture is talking about a woman wear a expensive coat to get warm. When she passing the zoo, the leopard shout with her. Maybe the leopard accused her kill their friends, she is a bad woman.She hasn't got a good heart~ but it not her mistake...I
think people need protect the animals.

This is a room full of fur. Some fur hanging room,some were to pack up on the bag. The fur mast be sold in the near future.The hunter killed many animals and take the fur back to get money.Human beings for their own lives and took the lives of other animals. This is too cruel...

This map depicts the fur trade at a lot of hunters.Hunter had just come and clean at his gun. A very rich person in view of the fur ,consider this enough to keep warm?In the past, A lot of people lead a life of hunting...They have become accustomed to this way of life...And did not take into account the other animals because of this lost the right to live... http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=91554&rendTypeId=4

It is talking about hunters just hunt back. They get many new fur. They feel very happy.They will use the fur trade with rich person. They will get a lot of money,and buy the food and drinks for their family.
Week^.^ diary...

We spent a lot of time in the computer...
It is bad for our eyes~~~(just kidding...)
During the computer time ...I feel so bring...
I don't like typing the English words~~~I typing the words very slow...
My friend Joy is good at it...when I type 1/2 of the essay...She ALREADY finished it...
I'm so 郁闷阿.....
I think I need practise more....
This week I feel very bad...but I'm looking forward to next week now~~~
I think I'll learn more,study more ,more sweet,more happy...

Literary Essay
After reading the story"Sir Gawain & the Green Knight",the reader realizes Sir Gawain is the most bravest person in it, because he was not afraid of death, how brave he is! Such as "The Green knight was already swinging the axe.Gawain did not try to move away."If other people face death, they will shiver and run away,but he didn't. A person who is not afraid of death what could be afraid of? Sir Gawain kept his promise,he knows he will face death, he didn't run away such us"but I did make a promise so I must go."when Lady westall advises him to run away, if he went to the castle, he would be killed by Green Knight,but he didn't do that and go to meet the Green Knight.Therefore, he's a brave person because he not only kept his promise but also not afraid of death.
Since reading the story"the Sniper". The main character sniper is a brave person who makes the reader feel amazing and interest. The sniper always faces very dangerous situations . If he makes a little mistake he'll be killed by the enemy. He didn't see a lot of strict enemy and despair. He isn't afraid of the pain of the wound . When the sniper face more and more enemy. He didn't feel despair."Just then an armoured car came across the bridge and advanced slowly up the street. It stopped on the opposite side of the street,forty-five metres ahead." The sniper know it is enemy's car. It means the enemy got more helper,more guns. He hadn't got enough energy to fight with the enemy and saved his own life. Under this situation, he didn't cry and despair. He worked his smart mind and fight with the enemy. The sniper isn't afraid of the pain of wound."The blood was oozing through the sleeve of his coat."He wasted a lot of blood. The enemy must hurt him, but he didn't lie down and say good-bye to the world. The sniper continues against the enemy. He already isn't afraid of death. He is very brave. The main character sniper is not only facing many strict enemy and despair, but he isn't afraid of pain of wound. He saved his life as much as he can. The sniper have a superman's soul which makes reader very surprise about his life.
The sniper and the Sir Gawain both the bravest character in the story. They fight with bleach and save their own life. This spirit that affects the reader's spirit. Readers became braver than before. Everyone in the world, if they do like this, the earth will be more strong. This spirit has even affected the world. The human will get a new progress in the future.
Jacques Cartier

This is a man...
This is a man with short beard\\\-.-///...
This is a man also with a black hat..
This is a man with big nouse...
His is a man......As you kown...

Nationality - French
Lifespan - 1491 - 1557
Family - Married Catherine Des Granches the daughter of Jacques Des Granches a chevalier du roi and constable of Saint-Malo
Education - Well educated
Career - Explorer and Navigator
Famous for : leading three expeditions to Canada. Cartier named Canada "Kanata" meaning village or settlement in the Huron-Iroquois language
1491: Jacques Cartier was born at Saint-Malo in Brittany
There is little information about the early life of Jacques Cartier but he would have been well educated and would have studied cartography, navigation, astronomy, mathematics and seamanship in his early life
May 1520: Jacques Cartier married Catherine Des Granches, but they had no children. It was a good marriage as Catherine Des Granches was the daughter of Jacques Des Granches a chevalier du roi and constable of Saint-Malo
Jacques Cartier lived in Dieppe and acquired the skills of an experienced seaman. Dieppe was the home of Giovanni da Verrazzano
1524-1527 : Jacques Cartier was believed to have accompanied Giovanni da Verrazzano on his expeditions to North America exploring the northeast coast of North America from Cape Fear, North Carolina to Maine and also a voyage to Brazil
Giovanni da Verrazzano was an Italian who sailed under the French flag for King Francois I of France
Jacques Cartier acquired a significant reputation as an experienced seaman and navigator which would have been reported in Giovanni da Verrazzano's reports to the French King
1532: Jean Le Veneur, the bishop of Saint-Malo, recommended to King Francois that Jacques Cartier be chosen to lead a voyage of discovery to the New World and take the Catholic religion to the 'heathen natives'
1534: The King of France, Francois I sent Jacques Cartier to "discover certain islands and lands where it is said there is a large amount of gold and other riches to be found."
Grande Hermine was the name of the ship used by Jacques Cartier. The Grande Hermine was a small ship of sixty tons. Another small ship accompanied the Grande Hermine. Both ships had a crew of thirty men
1534 April: Jacques Cartier leads his first voyage to North America from Saint Malo
Jacques Cartier reaches Newfoundland and sails on to and explores the coast of Labrador
Cartier sailed inland, going 1,000 miles up the St. Lawrence River
Cartier named Canada "Kanata" meaning village or settlement in the Huron-Iroquois language
The first voyage of Jacques Cartier lasted 137 days
He returned to France and reported his explorations to the King of France
The King offers Jacques Cartier another commission to return to Canada
1535 May 26: Jacques Cartier leads a second voyage to Canada. On his second voyage, he had three ships and 110 men
Jacques Cartier travelled across the Atlantic and explored some land in Montreal before returning to spend the winter at Stadacona (Quebec), near some friendly native villages
The winter saw an outbreak of scurvy which cost the lives of 25 of the men
1536 May 6: Jacques Cartier left Quebec and sailed for France
1536 July 16 Jacques Cartier returned safely to Saint-Malo
Jacques Cartier reported back to the King of France and the French council started to make plans to colonise Canada
1540: Jean Francois de la Rocque, Sieur de Roberval (1500-1560) was commanded by the French king to take charge of the colonization of Canada
1541: Jacques Cartier was instructed to lead a third voyage to Canada and redezvous with Sieur de Roberval who was to follow Cartier's expedition
Jacques Cartier waited for Jean Francois de la Rocque, Sieur de Roberval whilst enduring a bitterly cold winter
Jacques Cartier made the decision to return to France. He eventually met with Sieur de Roberval in Newfoundland. Jacques Cartier warned de Roberval not to go to Canada because of the terrible weather conditions
1542: Jacques Cartier returned to France and waited for news of Sieur de Roberval
Sieur de Roberval ignored the warnings of Jacques Cartier and travelled to Quebec. His attempts to start a settlement was abandoned due to the bitterly cold winter and the expedition returned to France on June 6 1543
1545: Jacques Cartier published an account of his expeditions and voyages of explorations
1557 1 September: Jacques Cartier died 1 September, 1557 at his manor of Limoilou, near Saint-Malo
1575 April: Catherine Des Granches, the widow of Jacques Cartier, died at Limoilou
- Donnacona
- Cap-Sante
- Pont-Rouge
- Ste_Catherine
- Shannon
- St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier
- Stoneham
- Tewkesbury

First Nations people were the original people who lived in Canada before the Europeans came. Imagine how you would feel seeing the Europeans for the first time. What would you think? What would you say? What would you do?
Think:The person here is so strange...What they siad???I cannot understand it...@.@
What will they do ??? Will they eat me???How can I run away~~~5555555555……So scared...
say:"Oh ,my dear~~~I'm coming to see you~~Are you remember me???You must be fogot me...5555555555...You are treat me so bad...I'll do back and told to my mum~~~Bye-bye"
Do: As quick as I can...Run away~~~If I can bring some food back~I'll happy~~^.^ ~~
A People's History: Jacques Cartier
What did you learn from this video in 5-8 sentences?
Hochelaga -- His journey continues...
What did you learn from this video in 5-8 sentences?
What is scurvy?
Scurvy is a disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C, which is required for the synthesis of collagen in humans. The chemical name for vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus. Scurvy leads to the formation of spots on the skin, spongy gums, and bleeding from the mucous membranes. The spots are most abundant on the thighs and legs, and a person with the ailment looks pale, feels depressed, and is partially immobilized. In advanced scurvy there are open, suppurating wounds and loss of teeth.
What happened to Donnaconna?
Here is an addendum to my earlier account of Donnaconna, the Huron chief whom Jacques Cartier took back to France in the 1530s: James Axtell reports that in May 1536 Cartier invited Donnaconna, two other chiefs, and two Indian interpreters - Donnaconna's sons Domagaya and Taignoagny - to meet him at the French camp near the town of Stadacona, then abducted all five men. According to Axtell, Canadian Indians (Hurons or Iroquois) had previously given the explorers five boys as "tokens of alliance" and, presumably, for training in the French language, so when Cartier sailed for France later that year he had ten Indians on his ship.When in 1541 Cartier returned to Quebec to establish a (short-lived) mining colony, he told the Stadaconans that his Indian companions had all married and become "great lords" in Europe, and no longer wished to return home. This may have been partially true, and (as I mentioned in a previous post) the Huron travelers may have enjoyed very good living conditions in France. For diplomatic reasons, however, Cartier declined to mention that nine of the ten travelers (including Donnaconna) had in fact died during the preceding half decade, and so could not be consulted on their future travel plans.
How would you feel if you were Donnaconna or the Iroquois people? Would you be friends with the French after this experience?
French are so rude.. The must stay with tiger eveyday~~~I don't want to stay with then...I'm a good girl~~~
Read page 221-222 of your textbook. The information on these pages are important.Find the words in bold on these two pages. Translate them and write a new sentence with them using your own words. Post it here.
John Cabot is a man with a hat and a head. In the picture we can see he is very old,he will be dead. His hair changed into white. He has a not very big and small eyes,it very fit. He has a long nouse. I cannot see his mouth clearly,because he has a long beard.
It is a corn. It can be used in Canada.There is a picture in corn's back. Maybe it is John~He wear his different hat. I can see his currly hair~Beautiful~~~ I have no idea kown what he did in the picture. Maybe he is looking for his lover...
Who is John Cabot? Tell me ten facts (real information) about him.
(Copy from internet)
He was born around 1455 in Gaeta, near Naples, and was the son of a merchant.
His name is also associated with Genoa, and he may have spent some time there as a boy. But by 1461 Cabot was living in Venice, where he became a citizen. In about 1482 he married a Venetian woman, Mattea, and they had three sons: Ludovico, Sebastiano and Sancio.
A detail from "The departure of John and Sebastian Cabot from Bristol on their first voyage of discovery, 1497." Oil on canvas by Ernest Board, 1906. From J.R. Smallwood, ed., The Book of Newfoundland, Vol 1. (St. John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers, 1937) 1. (65 kb)
The Portuguese pioneered their route to Asia by sailing down the African coast and around the Cape of Good Hope. And once Columbus had returned in triumph from his first transatlantic voyage in 1493 - he reached the Caribbean, but thought it was part of Asia - the Spanish likewise thought they had found their route to the east.
As a result, Cabot turned in 1494 or 1495 to England - to the merchants of the port of Bristol, where he settled with his family, and to the king, Henry VII. His scheme was to reach Asia by sailing west across the north Atlantic. He estimated that this would be shorter and quicker than Columbus' southerly route. Cabot was trying to go one better.
In England, Cabot received the backing he had been refused in Spain and Portugal. First, the merchants of Bristol agreed to support his scheme. They had sponsored probes into the north Atlantic from the early 1480s, looking for possible trading opportunities. Some historians think that Bristol mariners might even have reached Newfoundland and Labrador even before Cabot arrived on the scene.
whatsoever islands, countries, regions or provinces of heathens and infidels, in whatsoever part of the world placed, which before this time were unknown to all Christians. Whatever Cabot did was in the name of the English Crown.
Cabot made his first try in 1496. It was a failure. All we know about the voyage is contained in a 1497 letter from John Day, an English merchant in the Spanish trade, to Christopher Columbus. It states that "he [Cabot] went with one ship, he had a disagreement with the crew, he was short of food and ran into bad weather, and he decided to turn back." The following year, Cabot had better luck.
Why is he important to Canadian history?
John Cabot explored North America for England in 1497 he sailed to what is now eastern Canada. There is some controversy as to where he landed. He disappeared at sea in 1498
Why did he leave Europe?
because they (england ) would not finance his exploring voyages. So he went to the dutch and they did and hence New Amsterdam was originally Dutch.
What happened to John Cabot?
He dispeared...
When John Cabot reached Newfoundland's Grand Banks, he was surprised to find the large supply of cod.
Watch this video clip.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=261-NYB7Sko
Watch this clip. What did you learn from the video clip? Write 5-8 sentences.
I think it is the last voyage that John Cabot did.He went to there again,but he didn't caom back. The King ordered anothere person to go and discovered more. Another person discovered some new person in the island. They bring the new person back.They are more intrested in the fish. The filled with the sea that they cannot working she ship. They get the fish back.